jeudi 22 janvier 2015

This diary is kept mainly to try to elaborate laws which it will be the object of the blog to demonstrate it would be good to follow   to avoid falling into a pitfall of  depression, ( hole or abyss, the slippery slope)  

Spoke to Martin, (calling Caen, transferred to East of France)
Forgot to ask him if had an email, and if he would be willing to communicate it to e if he was allowed to do so  
Also if ha had studied any law
Talked about Sartre, l'enfer c'est les autres, (taken from Huis Clos, 1943)
In this case the other can be a stimulus to behave better

Spoke to Steven, on SOS Amitié Help, calling from Champerret,
Explained my depression took form of not being able to get up in morning, or deciding to go back to bad os sleep in car, though this is rarer once are active

But forgot to mention also waste time looking at garbage on tele
A form of mental suicide, mind at rest

Since admitting this seem to have a better resistance

Saturday 08.11.14

Very bad day 
Sleep from 23 ? to 02 
Work read till 06 

Eat instead of getting up and out at 6 in morning
Back to sleep 

Wake up at 10.00 
No alarm set
Trouble getting up 

Final blow is remembering how I missed opportunity of TA  
Only operative at 17.30 

Gradually got out of depression, partly by looking at a bit of tele 
Possible law   

Call for RV 
RV how is this done 

Choice is between continuing to sleep,  depression, tele waking up tomorrow, feeling well, or getting up now 
Sortir marcher a tout prix …  

Je me ui dot ce serait bien si je pouvais tout de suiioyte faoite etat a quelqu’un du foat que javaoe réussi  à sorit (volonte de puissance dans le sens N du terme, le regard d’autriu peut avoir du bien ) 

On point of going out made mistake of eating something (kiche…)